One of the challenges of the 50/50 challenge is to ride a SS1000. A Saddle Sore 1000 is a challenge to ride 1000 miles (= 1600 km) within 24 hours. That is some challenge. I am used to ride long distances but 1600 km in one go is quite something. There is one great SS1000 to go for and that is the RBLR1000 in June in the UK. This is a charity run to raise money for the Royal British Legion, a charity that takes care of ex-servicemen in the UK. So that will be a charity run within a charity challenge.
In the beginning I had a test ride, just to test whether it was possible to ride such a distance. And I could, I rode the 1650 km within 24 hours easily (over two calender days to be honest). And did most of them in the Netherlands. So I am going to ride the RBRL1000 in June. Because being a member of the British Legion Riders Branch it is one not to miss.
The goal of this ride is to raise money for the British Legion. And I am looking for sponsors. The aim is to raise £50 in sponsorship.
What do you get for sponsoring me, well a good feeling that you support something special. When you are a company, I will add your sticker to my top pannier. Your image will travel the rides I am doing this and you will be mentioned.
How can you sponsor me? Well, just get into contact when you like to transfer money, I have a Paypal account, you can send it to me, I can come to collect it (and inspire you about my challenges), I will raising money and tell the story during Battlefield Tours and other places.
I am looking forward to travel into Scotland and North England, knowing I will do good and having a great ride.
There is one but: in case the weather is not good enough to ride the RBLR1000, I will take care of my own safety first and I will either do the 500 mile ride or ride not at all.
More information about the Donna Louise trust: https://www.thedonnalouise.org/
More information about the Royal British Legion: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/
More about the Riders Branch of the British Legion: http://rblr.co.uk/web/